Saturday, July 5, 2008

Akihabara Video Blogs part one and two

*EDIT* The videos are now fixed. So long YouTube!

Aaron + Michael: Akihabara pt. 1 from Joe Smith on Vimeo.

Aaron + Michael: Akihabara pt. 2 from Joe Smith on Vimeo.

As for writing, I've got nothing. I'm tired and nobody reads them anyway. The other K-SEP kids arrived. The end.

*EDIT* Okay, okay. I'll write. It turns out people were watching. Sorry for being a poor sport. I'll hopefully get some time soon.


madison10 said...

Hey guys, this is Asron's Big sister, Leslie. I have just spent the last hour watching/reading all you have done so far-VERY COOL!! I love it since this is the only way I can keep tabs on my little brother. Looking forward to more videos. My request is to see the homeless drunks-of course with Aaron sitting next to them,LOL.Have fun and be safe guys. I love you Buddy!!

Gioia said...

Ok first of all I love the name you decided on for the blog...good job. So, I just read/watch all of your stuff... I am pretty jealous.. Also Michael I saw a hello kitty toy machine... I expect to have one of those, and yes I want the entire machines... anyways you seem to be having a lot of fun which is to be expected and I think you should write more because I read it! Ok well I love you and keep up the fun adventures

Matt L said...

Well, Michael, now that you've put the idea into my head, I demand a documentary of your entire journey.

Also, I'll need that little rap Aaron did made into a full song.

Oh, and people do read what you write.