Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Dinosaur Story

WHAT THE HHHHHHHHHHHHH?! How long has it been now? A week? A month? A year?? Well, not quite a year but in all seriousness, it will be a year in about three months. It’s kind of crazy how time flies. We never really intended to let it go this long but things happen, I suppose. I know it’s been an unending whirlwind for me since I last posted on this ancient blog. After I left K-SEP, I came back to Japan on JET, started teaching, failed at teaching, learned some Japanese, got a girlfriend, had Christmas, ate Christmas, broke a bike, broke a washing machine, bought a jillion figurines, filed some taxes (sort of), and barely ate anything. In that space was surprisingly little time to write or edit video.

As for Aaron I’m not sure what he was up to in America town, but I’m pretty sure he joined the Navy.

Anyway, in between his preparations for swabbing the deck and dressing like Gene Kelly, Aaron found time to edit the next to the last video from our “Aaron + Michael Make Out with Japan” video series. In it, we explore many things. I won’t tell you what they are because then I’d be like the guy who told you Bruce Willis was a ghost back when anyone gave two craps about M. Night Shamalmalan.

But I digress. The point being here, Aaron slapped this dearie together in an effort to shame me into editing together the last video, which I have all the footage for. So, to make sure I don’t come off as a lazy bum, I have to one-up ol’ laughing boy with the final video for fear of being accused of ruining the video series. As Aaron knows, fear works on me pretty well.

So I leave you to our video; the next to the last of the greatest video series in human history. Or at least on vimeo. Seriously, no one posts on that site. Piece!


Aaron + Michael Go To Japan 8: One More Time, Japan Style from Joe Smith on Vimeo.